Be consistent, be, be consistent!
That was my best(ish) cheerleader impression, by the way…
In my eight years (for Jaysus, really?!) of working in social media, the most consistent advice that I’ve seen/heard/read is that being consistent will bring you consistent customers. Consistently.
One more time? Con-sist-ent.
I’ve just had one of those thousand or so marketing newsletters I apparently won’t stop subscribing to ping into my inbox, reminding me about the importance of posting consistently on social.
Said article also defined consistent posting as sharing two posts per day. Now, in fairness, this advice is directly catered to Instagram rather than social media as a whole, but still: ain’t nobody (or very few bodies) got time for that ish, particularly if you manage your social yourself and you don’t outsource it/employ someone to do it for you.
Several balls up in the air, spinning many plates, fingers in many pies… whichever analogy you prefer, it’s no secret that business owners are BUSY. There are employee salaries to find, families to support, and the occasional need to pay oneself. You’ve likely got bigger fish to fry than ensuring you post to Twitter twice a day.
You don’t need to flood your social media with content, posting several times a day to several platforms, seven days a week.
But what does consistency actually mean when it comes to social media?
A quick Google (because I’m efficient/lazy, and also because I have *no* idea where my actual made-of-paper dictionary is) tells me the following definitions:
- Marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity: free from variation or contradiction
- Marked by agreement: compatible —usually used with statements consistent with the truth
- Showing steady conformity to character, profession, belief, or custom
So, we have three meanings to “consistent”, and because I love me some alliteration, I’ll list them in “c”s:
I love the phrase “steady continuity”. It sounds gentle, like smooth sailing. No tearing rush, no torrent or flash floods: just stable, manageable.
You don’t need to flood your social media with content, posting several times a day to several platforms, seven days a week.
There’ll be some social media bods screaming at their screens now I’ve said that and they’re not necessarily incorrect, but if you’re managing your own marketing then you need to keep it achievable. Social media is all about incremental brand awareness – you’re drip-feeding into followers’ consciousness.
You don’t need to tackle the algorithms head-on by producing zillions of posts. Just set your own pace, and make it one that you can stick to. Perhaps start with two or three posts per week. Hell, even start with one post per week if that’s what you can manage right now. I do suggest that you shore up those one/two/three posts with some actual interaction (like and comment, or share) on your chosen platforms because that’s the thing that will raise your profile the most: talking to people rather than at them.
A few months ago, I met with a lovely chap who was having some trouble with his social media. He’d been running it himself for about three years and had recently outsourced it to a marketing agency. Since outsourcing the production and sharing of content, his engagement had dropped dramatically from an average of 80 likes per post to 2 likes per post, and visits to his website plummeted by 62%.
When we looked at the posts that he’d been sharing vs the posts that the agency was sharing, there was a marked difference. The business owner’s posts were funny, cheeky, and not always about products. They included behind-the-scenes videos, tutorials, walkthroughs…
The agency was posting twice a week, and only posting sales-type content for ONE product that this business made.
The agency’s posts weren’t compatible with the business owner at all; they didn’t match his style, humour, or his sense of fun, so people stopped engaging. This agency couldn’t run his company’s social media as well as he could. After our conversation, he parted ways with the agency and started doing his own social media again, posting twice a week. Happily, his engagement has gone back up to where it started!
Does your content conform with you, your values (business and personal), and your tone of voice? Are you recognisable in the words that you’re sharing?
You may have noticed that I’ve peppered this article with words and phrases that I use in real life (such as “for Jaysus”, which I say with alarming regularity). When I write for clients, I make sure I use words and phrases that they use in real life. Professional marketers and copywriters will work very hard to ensure that the end product sounds just like their clients; it needs to conform to the person or business they’re writing for.
As the marvellous Stephen Church of Academy Copywriter Pro says: write how you speak.
So, there we have it: three ways to add consistency to your content, and not one of them involves posting at the same time every single day. Onwards, in a steadily continuous fashion!